
Showing posts from January, 2019

Made the Right Decision

Made the right decision to spend my holiday bringing my parents to Universal Studio Singapore. Hesitated at first to buy the Express lane tix but it's all worth it, they enjoyed it. They enkoy the Transformer ride the most. Thanks to the book "The Code of Extraordinary Mind" written by Vichen Lakhiani, it helps me rediscover the purpose of working hard and the "real goals" of my life. Life is full of uncertainties. Visited Uncle Tommy at Singapore at a nursing centre. Would like to thank him for helping my family while my father needed treatment in the 1990s. It's our turn returning the favour. Get well soon! Like what you told us, you have made a deal with grandma and grandpa.

House is on Fire

House is on fire. We put down the fire first then only think how the house caught fire and then prevent it in the future. Don't do the blame game while others are trying to put down the fire.

Good at Backend Development wa LoL

Good at Backend Development wa LoL

Solution Architect wa

Solution Architect wa LoL!

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence = Excel Power Query + Excel Pivot Table + Excel Pivot Chart

Discovered the Tools to Business Success - Excel Power Query

Discovered recently that super tool to analyze my business - Excel Power Query. Would be able to generate business reports which helps in discovering insights.

Don't Play Not to Lose but Play to Win

Heard this on the radio that resonates. To win and be successful, we must Play to Win. No football team win a championship by Playing Not to Lose. Having the mindset of Playing to Win allows us to make mistakes and take risks.